EsoSoft Corporation

Mailing List Hosting
Service & Support

Tend to Pending Administrative Requests
There are primarily three instances when you will need to tend to administrative requests.  Whether the administrator is notified immediately for each request or just once per day is dictated by the switch in Mailman's General Options section.

Use the "Action to take on all these held messages" section if you'd like to take the same action on all of your pending requests.

1.  When a posting is held because it was posted by a non-member.
If you are running a list on which only members can post, items that are being held for review will appear in this section for your review.  As the list administrator you have four actions available on this screen.

  • Defer the posting, leaving it for a later time or for another list administrator to look at.
  • Approve the posting and forward it to list members.
  • Reject the posting: the original poster will be sent notification of the rejection along with the explanation that appears in the message box on this screen.  You may customize the message as you see fit or leave it empty.
  • Discard the message with no notification sent to the poster.  This is particularly useful for spam. 

When choosing the action you will have two additional options:

  • Preserve message for site administrator: this will keep a copy of the message in the admin requests section even if you choose an action other than defer.
  • Additionally forward this message to: allows you to take action on the note and forward a copy of it to another person.

2.  When you operate a moderated list.
You will use this feature to accept or reject postings following the same guidelines as for non-members postings above.

3.  When you operate a list where subscription requires administrator approval.
User petitions to join will be listed on this page.  You should click accept or deny as appropriate.

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