EsoSoft Corporation

Basic Web Hosting
Service & Support

System-Wide CGI Scripts
We have installed some CGI scripts in our cgi-sys directory for you:

FormHandler Scripts
Both scripts
are designed to handle HTML forms. The first simply e-mails the completed form to you. The second is so robust that we cannot describe all of the features here.

A popular script is FormMail from Matt Wright. To use it please use the following form action:


Instructions are available at:

A powerful script is the FormHandler script included in the CGI/Perl cookbook. It supports everything you need for creating powerful forms, such as logging everything to a file, e-mailing customized responses back to the person who submitted the form to you and many other features. You can use it with the following form action:


The complete documentation can be found at:

If you do not wish to use either of the above pre-installed FormHandler scripts, please consider using the very secure script at:

Their script includes a feature that makes it possible to place your e-mail address in the script itself, rather than in the HTML code of your web page. This is a good way to keep spam away from your mailbox.

Please DO NOT place your own copy of Matt Wright's FormMail script in your cgi-bin. The script is very popular and has been used on many servers world wide. However, the script has many security glitches and should not be used unless those glitches have been corrected. The FormMail.cgi script that is pre-installed on the server (/cgi-sys/FormMail.cgi) does not suffer from security glitches.

Guestbook Script
Another script from the CGI/Perl cookbook is a very powerful Guestbook/Feedback script. You can access it by using:


The instructions can be found at:

Jump Script
You have probably seen drop-down selection boxes which are used as a menu for the website. You can do this, too!

Name the drop-down menu "url"
For the value, use the complete URL to the page you would like to direct your site visitor
Finally, use /cgi-sys/ as the form action

You also must create a submit button.

Personal Assistance
At EsoSoft, Service and Support are our Top Priorities!

If you need any type of personal assistance, do not hesitate to contact our Service & Support Team at:

A member of our team will be very happy to assist.

For identification purposes, please write from the e-mail address on-file for your account or include your account's password in your e-mail message.

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